Macbook Air Gold Vs Space Grey
- #2
Space Gray for me....tired of Silver and Gold, for me, I just don't think works out.
- #4
Space gray for me!! I just love this color on the Macs!
Looks like mine... When it turns up :-(
- #5
Just got mine today in Space Gray - absolutely love the color and the computer!
- #6
Space Gray. As much as I'm tired of gray it actually looks super sharp on the MacBooks.
- #7
Space Grey - easier to order online for same-day pickup.
- #8
Everything in my house is white and space gray so...
- #9
I wanted space grey but there was no stock, so went for silver.
- #12
space grey for me
that said a skin is on order.
- #17
I got the space grey but I wish Apple would produce a darker grey almost black MacBook
- #18
why would you put a skin on it
So I can make it the colour I want which is the whole point of skins...the colours apple offers for Macs are just boring to me and so it matches my other devices.
- #19
Wanted Silver, but just ordered Space Gray since that is what was available (Costco base 8/256 config).
My Early 2020 13" MBP 32/512 is the first time I didn't get Silver on a Mac. I do like it, but decided I like a classic Silver better. But not a deal breaker (hence I ordered).
- #21
I've had quite a few space grey macbook's now: 12" original Macbook, 13" Macbook Pro, and since 2018, the 15" MBP. I have always liked the colour but this time I'm returning to Silver. To be honest for no other reason than a change; apathy towards the same kicks in after a while.
When I bought the 11" IPP this year, I also went for the silver and it looked *fresh* to me. So I'm pretty happy with my choice. Both are great though. I also think the Gold looks beautiful, but rightly or wrongly, I cannot justify that as a 30+-year-old man. My issue, I know.
- #22
I've had quite a few space grey macbook's now: 12" original Macbook, 13" Macbook Pro, and since 2018, the 15" MBP. I have always liked the colour but this time I'm returning to Silver. To be honest for no other reason than a change; apathy towards the same kicks in after a while.
When I bought the 11" IPP this year, I also went for the silver and it looked *fresh* to me. So I'm pretty happy with my choice. Both are great though. I also think the Gold looks beautiful, but rightly or wrongly, I cannot justify that as a 30+-year-old man. My issue, I know.
Agree with all of this. After using a space grey 12" MacBook for four years, I am considering a silver Air to freshen things up. I want to like the gold color more, but I find it too rose gold for me. That said, I think color is a thing I forget about pretty quickly.
I'm surprised Apple didn't launch a new color for the M1's.
- #24
I'm holding out for a 16", but will go silver. My understanding is that the space gray/gold/etc are all coatings that could wear away, while silver is basically close to the raw aluminum and could hold up better.
If I'm wrong about this though someone please let me know since I might go space gray instead in that case.
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Macbook Air Gold Vs Space Grey
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