
How To Watch Dog With A Blog

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Media Watch Dog

Issue 569

TSI Staff 2021-11-26T18:38:18+11:00 26 November 2021 |Categories: Latest Media Watch Dog, Media Watch Dog| Tags: media watch dog, mwd300 |

GERARD HENDERSON'S MEDIA WATCH DOG ISSUE – NO. 569 26 November 2021 * * * * Stop Press – ABC faves Craig Reucassel & Red Kerry to host Voices Of events; Fake News on Q+A Can You Bear It? – Malcolm Farr & Jonathan Green go in for some Morrison bashing on Twitter; Murpharoo mocks 'saint' [...]

Issue 568

TSI Staff 2021-11-19T15:33:28+11:00 19 November 2021 |Categories: Latest Media Watch Dog, Media Watch Dog| Tags: media watch dog, mwd300 |

GERARD HENDERSON'S MEDIA WATCH DOG ISSUE – NO. 568 19 November 2021 * * * * Stop Press – David Marr returns with a secular sermon; George Megalogenis looks back rosily on the Whitlam economy Editorial – Ita Buttrose's "We Warn the Kaiser" moment about a proposed Senate committee – That's all folks Can You [...]

Issue 567

TSI Staff 2021-11-12T15:37:53+11:00 12 November 2021 |Categories: Latest Media Watch Dog, Media Watch Dog| Tags: media watch dog, mwd300 |

GERARD HENDERSON'S MEDIA WATCH DOG ISSUE – NO. 567 12 November 2021 * * * * Stop Press – Some confusion re the timing of "Pig Iron Bob" on Q+A Can You Bear It? – Jon Faine radiates ignorance on Nuclear Submarines, Power & Waste; Justin Smith's past role as a spruiker for Victoria Police; Imogen [...]

Issue 566

TSI Staff 2021-11-06T09:12:19+11:00 5 November 2021 |Categories: Latest Media Watch Dog, Media Watch Dog| Tags: media watch dog, mwd300 |

GERARD HENDERSON'S MEDIA WATCH DOG ISSUE – NO. 566 5 November 2021 * * * * Stop Press – A Q&A pile-on for Greg Sheridan Editorial – 7:30's sloppy and Labor-friendly coverage of JobKeeper Can You Bear It? – Good Weekend presents Simon Holmes à Court the Aussie "Brahmin"; Fitz believes Mike Cannon-Brookes' tosh that he limits his carbon footprint as [...]

Issue 565

TSI Staff 2021-10-29T16:04:51+11:00 29 October 2021 |Categories: Latest Media Watch Dog, Media Watch Dog| Tags: media watch dog, mwd300 |

GERARD HENDERSON'S MEDIA WATCH DOG ISSUE – NO. 565 29 October 2021 * * * * Stop Press – Nakkiah Lui on the colonial ABC & Paul McDermott on sexist Bill Shakespeare Outside Insiders – PK, PVO & Ms Savva hopelessly wrong again; Speersy goes light on the interruptions with Matt Kean Can You Bear It? – [...]

Issue 564

TSI Staff 2021-10-22T15:56:53+11:00 22 October 2021 |Categories: Latest Media Watch Dog, Media Watch Dog| Tags: media watch dog, mwd300 |

GERARD HENDERSON'S MEDIA WATCH DOG ISSUE – NO. 564 22 October 2021 * * * * Stop Press – Simon Holmes à Court takes over Q&A Can You Bear It? – Robyn Williams hosts false prophet Paul Ehrlich for a luvvies get-together; Tom Switzer forgets he ran for Liberal Party pre-selection; Dennis Atkins hopes that the [...]

Issue 563

TSI Staff 2021-10-15T18:00:57+11:00 15 October 2021 |Categories: Latest Media Watch Dog, Media Watch Dog| Tags: media watch dog, mwd300 |

GERARD HENDERSON'S MEDIA WATCH DOG ISSUE – NO. 563 15 October 2021 * * * * Stop Press – Bonge spots a "demon lady" on Q&A Can You Bear It? – Leak not plugged on Insiders; Five Minutes with Fitz – Almost an Eternity; Jon Faine throws the switch to prophecy; Michael Rowland calls for more racial diversity [...]

Issue 562

TSI Staff 2021-10-08T16:27:09+11:00 8 October 2021 |Categories: Latest Media Watch Dog, Media Watch Dog| Tags: media watch dog, mwd300 |

GERARD HENDERSON'S MEDIA WATCH DOG ISSUE – NO. 562 8 October 2021 * * * * Stop Press –Michael Rowland gives a fawning interview to his boss; Fake News outbreak at ABC Ballarat Can You Bear It? – Dennis Atkins has another go at predicting the election date; Nika Savva on Scott Morrison (again); Jon [...]

Issue 561

TSI Staff 2021-10-01T16:45:10+10:00 1 October 2021 |Categories: Latest Media Watch Dog, Media Watch Dog| Tags: media watch dog, mwd300 |

GERARD HENDERSON'S MEDIA WATCH DOG ISSUE – NO. 561 1 October 2021 * * * * Stop Press – AFR overstates Gladys Berejiklian's power; David Speers goes soft on Sally McManus Can You Bear It? – Sarah Ferguson assumes listeners know who "Tony" is; Fran Kelly talks to the UK's woman in Canberra; Dan Ilic [...]

Issue 560

TSI Staff 2021-09-24T16:10:53+10:00 24 September 2021 |Categories: Latest Media Watch Dog, Media Watch Dog| Tags: media watch dog, mwd300 |

GERARD HENDERSON'S MEDIA WATCH DOG ISSUE – NO. 560 24 September 2021 * * * * Stop Press – Hamish Macdonald lectures German policy expert on the climate achievements of Angela Merkel & lectures Barnaby Joyce on ABC editorial independence Can You Bear It? – Dennis Atkins & Malcolm Farr grump about the PM; Emma [...]

How To Watch Dog With A Blog


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